500 miles was chosen because on average young people travel approximately five miles to access a Nightstop Host. Gloucestershire Nightstop provides around 1200 bed nights a year so the annual travel total of their young homeless people is around 6000 miles. Sadly 6000 miles in a week would have been unachievable, however E G Carter wanted to cycle a weeks’ worth of miles totalling up to 500 miles.
In order to get the ball rolling E G Carter & Co Ltd needed some bikes. Anytime Fitness gym in Stroud wanted to help and agreed to support Gloucestershire Nightstop week by donating their top of the range static spin bikes for the week.
Like any sport, the cycling quickly became competitive, with one employee setting the bar very high, cycling 7.7 miles in 15 minutes. Due to the positive competitiveness and the sheer hard work of everyone who took part, E G Carter & Co Ltd managed to cycle 797 miles and thanks to our friends at Anytime Fitness Gym, E G Carter managed to round up the figure to 800 miles.
Throughout the week clients, friends, family and other colleagues all supported the charity by donating money; the rising total is currently £672.14.