Together with Beaufort Co-op Academy, Robotham Architects and Gloucestershire County Council, E G Carter & Co Ltd celebrated the start of construction of the new build 8 classroom teaching block. This project goes hand in hand with the construction of a new entrance building and internal remodelling of the science faculty. In order to mark the new developments, E G Carter & Co Ltd hosted a ground breaking event where children, teachers, members of Gloucestershire County Council, the site team and local councillor David Norman were able to get involved and be a part of the prestigious scheme.
Due to the success and growth of the school, Beaufort Co-op Academy is now catering for over 1200 pupils. With a need to expand, E G Carter & Co Ltd were contracted to extend the building to help facilitate their increase.
E G Carter has been working with Beaufort Co-op Academy for the last 14 years and is glad to be back in partnership with them. Thomas Jones, Construction Manager at E G Carter & Co Ltd said “We are a Gloucestershire based Company with traditional roots; it’s always a pleasure to work locally. Beaufort Co-op Academy has been a friend for many years and we hope that the relationship continues for many more years to come”
The site team were joined by Principal David Bishop, he explained that the school is dedicated to its pupils, it is their future they are creating and Beaufort Co-op Academy is investing in their students.
Ash Baker, Commercial Manager at E G Carter & Co Ltd said “The Directors and staff at E G Carter are delighted and excited to be renewing their relationship with Beaufort Co-operative Academy. The preconstruction phase has demonstrated many of the values that are the foundations for the success of the Gloucestershire County Council Framework – total transparency, collaborative working and breaking down the barriers of hierarchy.
We now enter the construction phase of the project and look forward to delivering the fantastic new facilities to the academy”
The new works will transform the school, allowing more teaching space and giving the school a visual identity by creating a modern school entrance at the front of the building.
The project is being procured through the Gloucester County Council Framework and is due to be completed in the Summer of 2018.