E G Carter & Co Ltd currently employ twenty six women who are represented at all levels within the company structure so this year’s theme of #BalanceforBetter resonates within E G Carter & Co Ltd on many levels.
Balance for Better encourages gender balance across the world. E G Carter & Co Ltd are actively supporting the theme by promoting and encouraging our female staff to join organisations and to attend seminars that promote the roles of women in construction.
Kimberley Clay, member of Women in Property and PR Coordinator at E G Carter & Co Ltd said:
“Transforming the perception people place on women in the construction industry is something that we are trying to change. We are visiting career fairs, networking events and facilitating school presentations with a goal to speak to women and tell them about the incredible opportunities that women have within our industry. E G Carter & Co Ltd pride themselves on their people and this is clearly demonstrated by the fact that our women have a combined 374 years of service showing the loyalty, care and support the Company has received from its female employees.”